


Option Explicit

Public Const CalenderStartAddress As String = "F6"
Public Const DataStartRow As Integer = 8
Public Const MasterSheetName As String = "マスタスケジュール"
Public Const BaseDateAddress As String = "C3"

Public Enum eCol
    Blank1 = 1
End Enum
Option Explicit

Private InazumaSheet As Worksheet    'ワークシートオブジェクト
Private baseDate As Date             '基準日
Private axis() As Variant            '描画する座標
Private rngCalender As Range         'カレンダー領域
Private rngTaskDate As Range         'タスク開始・終了日領域
Private nowXAxis As Single           '現在位置のX軸
Private nowYAxis As Single           '現在位置のY軸

'【処 理 名】稲妻
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】なし
Public Sub 稲妻()
    Call init
    If Not check Then
        GoTo LBL_TERM
    End If
    Call getCalenderRange
    Call getNowPoint(rngCalender)
    Call getTaskInfo
    Call drawInazumaLine
    Call term
End Sub

'【処 理 名】初期処理
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub init()
    Set InazumaSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(MasterSheetName)
    baseDate = InazumaSheet.Range(BaseDateAddress).Value
End Sub

'【処 理 名】終期処理
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub term()
    Set InazumaSheet = Nothing
End Sub

'【処 理 名】入力チェック
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】True     エラーなし
'            False    エラーあり
Private Function check() As Boolean
    If InazumaSheet.Range(BaseDateAddress).Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "基点日を入力してください。"
        GoTo LBL_ERROR
    End If
    If Not IsDate(InazumaSheet.Range(BaseDateAddress).Value) Then
        MsgBox "基点日に日付を入力してください。"
        GoTo LBL_ERROR
    End If
    check = True
    Exit Function
    check = False
    Exit Function
End Function

'【処 理 名】カレンダー領域取得
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub getCalenderRange()
    Dim rowIndex As Integer
    Dim endCol As Integer
    rowIndex = InazumaSheet.Range(CalenderStartAddress).Row
    endCol = InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Set rngCalender = InazumaSheet.Range(CalenderStartAddress, _
        InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, endCol))
End Sub

'【処 理 名】現在時点座標取得
'【引    数】ByVal rngCalender As Range    カレンダー領域
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub getNowPoint(ByVal rngCalender As Range)
    Dim rng As Range                 '作業領域
    Dim baseDateSerial As Variant    '基準日
    Dim baseDay As Integer           '基準日の日付
    Dim lastDay As Date
    baseDateSerial = DateSerial(Year(baseDate), Month(baseDate), 1)
    lastDay = DateSerial(Year(baseDate), Month(baseDate) + 1, 0)
    baseDay = Day(baseDate)
    For Each rng In rngCalender
        If rng.Address <> rng.MergeArea(1).Address Then GoTo LBL_NEXT
        If DateSerial(Year(rng.Value), Month(rng.Value), 1) = baseDateSerial Then
            nowXAxis = rng.Left + ((rng.Width / Day(lastDay)) * baseDay)
            nowYAxis = rng.Top
            Exit For
        End If
     ReDim axis(1, 0)
     axis(0, 0) = nowXAxis
     axis(1, 0) = nowYAxis
     Call setAxis(nowXAxis, nowYAxis + rng.Height)
End Sub

'【処 理 名】タスク座標取得
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub getTaskInfo()
    Dim endRow As Long
    Dim rowIndex As Long
    endRow = InazumaSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, eCol.Taskstart).End(xlUp).Row
    For rowIndex = DataStartRow To endRow
        Call getTaskAxis(rowIndex)
End Sub

'【処 理 名】座標取得
'【引    数】ByVal rowIndex As Long
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub getTaskAxis(ByVal rowIndex As Long)
    Dim startDate As Date
    Dim endDate As Date
    Dim rng As Range            '作業領域
    Dim startAxis As Single
    Dim endAxis As Single
    Dim progressAxis As Single
    Dim yAxis As Single
    Dim cellHeight As Single    'セル高さ
    startDate = InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, eCol.Taskstart)
    endDate = InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, eCol.Taskend)
    yAxis = InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, eCol.Taskstart).Top
    cellHeight = InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, eCol.Taskstart).Height
    For Each rng In rngCalender
        If rng.Address <> rng.MergeArea(1).Address Then GoTo LBL_NEXT
        ' 開始日の座標を取得する
        If isInTerm(rng, startDate) Then
            startAxis = getAxis(startDate, rng)
        End If
        ' 完了日の座標を取得する
        If isInTerm(rng, endDate) Then
            endAxis = getAxis(endDate, rng)
            Exit For
        End If
    ' 進捗の座標を取得する
    If InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, eCol.Progress) = 1 Then
        progressAxis = nowXAxis
        progressAxis = startAxis + ((endAxis - startAxis) * InazumaSheet.Cells(rowIndex, eCol.Progress))
    End If
    Call setAxis(nowXAxis, yAxis)
    Call setAxis(progressAxis, yAxis + (cellHeight / 2))
    Call setAxis(nowXAxis, yAxis + cellHeight)
End Sub

'【処 理 名】座標軸取得
'【引    数】ByVal targetDate As Date
'            ByVal rng As Range
'【返 却 値】座標
Function getAxis(ByVal targetDate As Date, ByVal rng As Range) As Single
    Dim lastDay As Date  '該当月の最終日
    lastDay = DateSerial(Year(targetDate), Month(targetDate) + 1, 0)
    getAxis = rng.Left + ((rng.Width / Day(lastDay)) * Day(targetDate))
End Function

'【処 理 名】期間内比較
'【引    数】ByVal rng As Range
'            ByVal targetDate As Date
'【返 却 値】True     エラーなし
'            False    エラーあり
Private Function isInTerm(ByVal rng As Range, ByVal targetDate As Date) As Boolean
    Dim tergetSerialDate As Date
    tergetSerialDate = DateSerial(Year(targetDate), Month(targetDate), 1)
    isInTerm = False
    If DateSerial(Year(rng.Value), Month(rng.Value), 1) = tergetSerialDate Then
        isInTerm = True
    End If
End Function

'【処 理 名】座標配列へ格納
'【引    数】ByVal xAxis As Single
'            ByVal yAxis As Single
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub setAxis(ByVal xAxis As Single, ByVal yAxis As Single)
    Dim elemIndex As Long            '座標配列の要素数
    elemIndex = UBound(axis, 2) + 1
    ReDim Preserve axis(1, elemIndex)
    axis(0, elemIndex) = xAxis
    axis(1, elemIndex) = yAxis
End Sub

'【処 理 名】イナズマ線描画
'【引    数】なし
'【返 却 値】なし
Private Sub drawInazumaLine()
    Dim index As Long
    With InazumaSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingCorner, axis(0, 0), axis(1, 0))
        For index = 1 To UBound(axis, 2)
            .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingCorner, axis(0, index), axis(1, index)
        With .ConvertToShape
            .Line.Weight = 1.5
            .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        End With
    End With
End Sub





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